American Pharmacists Month Spotlight: Jenna Colatruglio

19 October 2023

Jenna Colatruglio
PharmD, Senior Director, Pharmacy & Clinical Operations

Q. Where did you complete your education to become a pharmacist?
A. I received my Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Ohio Northern University.

Q. Can you tell us a little bit about your path to this profession?
A. I have a few family members that are pharmacists. Growing up, I was always intrigued by the profession. I knew I wanted to have a career in the medical industry, but I was not interested in becoming a physician or nurse. I ultimately chose a career in pharmacy which gave me the perfect blend of science, medicine, and patient care.

Q. What do you find most rewarding about being a pharmacist?
A. Pharmacists are one of the most trusted providers in a patient’s health care journey. It’s rewarding to know that patients come to you for your knowledge and advice. Even though I’m not in direct patient care today, I still appreciate it when I’m able to share my knowledge with others whether it’s answering a personal medical question for someone or helping provide drug information.

Q. During American Pharmacists Month, what message do you want to convey to the community about the importance of pharmacists?
A. Pharmacists are the top drug experts across all medical providers. We have the most education on how medicines work in the body, what they interact with, and what type of adverse effects to expect. They are also easily accessible to patients. I highly encourage patients to engage their pharmacists in their health care journey.

Q: There are obviously major differences between working in a pharmacy setting and working in an office environment. What would you say was the biggest transition for you?
A. The biggest transition for me was stepping away from patient care and learning what happens behind the scenes when a pharmacy claim is processed. My work in the pharmacy setting has helped reinforce what we do at PDMI today. I have seen all sides of the pharmacy claims process and continue to work with the appreciation that there is a patient behind everything we do at PDMI.

Q. What do you like best about working at PDMI?
A. I am grateful to work for a company that truly cares about their employees’ experience.
